Thursday, August 8, 2013

a few things on Thursday 8.8.13

1. Summertime is coming to a close for us. We spent last week in the sun and the sand with my family. It was fun and hot and sandy. And hot. My favorite part was going down to the beach after dinner when it was cooler. The boys would practically roll around in the sand, and they loved it so much.

2. Last night when I was picking up a few things in the living room I looked over to see Charlie's room empty (the boys are now sharing a room - something I never thought I'd see). It made me start thinking about how this summer has been full of things that always seemed so far away - potty training my youngest, school supply shopping, etc. My little people are growing up.

3. I have been painting more lately. I was able to get a bunch of these listed the week before last. The cupcakes are a new favorite. They did sell very quickly (a huge thanks to those who snagged one), and I'm just waiting on more canvases to come in so I can make more!

4. I'm still running! I haven't finished the final week of c25k, but I'm close. 

I made it to week 8 and I have gone back and forth between it and week 7. My knee isn't bothering me as much. I'm just taking it easy. I hope to actually run a 5k in the fall when it's cooler. I'm not even going to attempt one in this heat ;)

5. I have the holidays on my brain. Not because I want them to be here, but because I want to be able to offer more of these and these. SO I'm already working on some things, and I'm excited to see how they turn out.

6. Crystal had a fantastic idea for a back-to-school project and we'll both be sharing them tomorrow.

7. “Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.” -Anne Frank

Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. eeep! those ornaments! can't wait to see some holiday-ness in your shop! :)


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