Monday, March 23, 2015

a few things on Monday 3.23.15

hoop from Itty Bitty Bunnies for the gallery wall over the crib

1. The crib is up, our bags are packed, and we are counting down the weeks until baby girl joins our little family. It won't be long until we get to meet her. I still feel a little bit of disbelief we will have a girl in our house!

"Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."
Hans Christian Andersen

2. As we prepare for her arrival I'm staying busy with the shop and preparing for something I've dreamed of for a couple of years now - Surtex 2015! I won't be there in person, but I'm so excited my work will be represented there with with Jewel Branding.

3. My work desk has constantly been a mess. I'll have watercolors, shipping supplies, and sketchbooks spread all over. I'm trying to keep things a bit more organized with these little boxes from All Ready Memories. I'm loving my new washi tape holder, and the smaller boxes fit my thank you notes & business cards perfectly. 

Use the code PENANDPAINT for 20% your order with
4. My birthday is next week (3/31). I've got my Year of Pen & Paint giveaway and sale still planned. I'm going to be honest, since I feel we are on baby-watch the dates may be a little before or after my actual birthday, but I'm still excited to celebrate another year with y'all!

5. The "You are Doing a Freaking Great Job" book is out! It includes hundreds of pieces of encouraging artwork by fellow artists and myself. You can find the books online, at your local bookstore, and at Barnes & Noble. 

6. April 1st be sure to head over to Natalie Creates Shop. Natalie and I have a fun bundle for sale I think you'll like!

7. Lastly, the shop will remain open and orders will continue to go out regularly thanks to my wonderful team (my mom and my husband). I'm so grateful for their help over the past 8 months and their continued support to keep Pen & Paint running!


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