It's week three of the the Business + Motherhood series. We hope to encourage and inspire other business mamas giving a glimpse inside our work days and spaces.
Meet Jaime of Raising up Rubies.
Hi guys ♥ I'm Jaime. mama behind Raising up Rubies. I'm wifey to a hottie and mama to two crazy girls who keep me laughing, dancing in the kitchen and pulling out my hair usually all in the same day #keepinitreal my husband's first responder career keeps us on a constant quest to find time to balance life, fun and sleep and everything else that's thrown at us. I grew up loving all things creative and started my first company when I was 6 years old, deciding I would sell my construction paper collages made with pictures I cut from the pages of my mom's old good housekeeping magazines. That was a short endeavor but ever since then I knew my soul was specifically imprinted with a longing to create, by the Master Creator Himself.
1. How long have you been running your business? I started Rubies 3 years ago when first blogged about my studio, and then opened my etsy shop a few months after that. Better Homes & Gardens came to do a story about the formal living room we turned into a craft room later that year, and the rest is history...
2. What does a typical work day look like for you? Welllll.... I'm a super huge procrastinator. and I'm anything but disciplined. I like planners. I really do. They're fun to decorate and post about on instagram... but following what they tell me to do or checking off the lists that I make for myself in them is a whole different story. Most days look like me getting the kids off to school, tending to dishes, cleaning and laundry. I try to be in my studio by lunch time, working the rest of the afternoon filling orders, creating product, emails, ordering supplies ... you name it.
3. What goals do you have for your business? Is this a hobby that you enjoy that earns income OR do you have big dreams and want to see this business grow? Goals... I have so many! I would love to see my brand grow into whatever God has for it ... hopefully a line of things, from jewelry to house decor, that encourages women to grow in their walk with God. And that helps make them & their homes feel beautiful at the same time.
4. What's one of your struggles with balancing business and motherhood? It's hard to know when you should put your work aside for your kids or when you need to ask for their patience while you get important things done.
I mentioned before I lack discipline, so following routine or structure is a daily battle for me. But I know my home runs better when I do. It's hard for me to block off time just for work, or just for family etc... I find most days they all intertwine, and I get things done as they present themselves. My long term personal goal is to be more of a planner. To think of things way before they need to be done, and to not be a slave to the rush. Hopefully leaving more time to be intentional with my family and mayyyybe, just maybe have a little extra time just for me.
5. What is your response to "How does she do it?" How do I do it? I don't. I'm a hot mess 23/6. As handmade shop owners, we love our customers. We love our Instagram followers. They are the life-line of our business, and we couldn't do what we do without them. But I think sometimes it's easy for people to forget that regular life for us behind the squares does exist and that we are just like every other wife, mama, taxi driver, underwear picker-upper out there. So don't be fooled by the squares. They are for most of us, just a happy place to show the little pieces of ourselves that come to life. And the bonus is that we are so blessed to have all of the readers to share them with.
6. Do you have any tips for other business mamas or mamas who are considering opening a shop? Just be yourself. It doesn't matter what you make. Just be you. Everything we create was inspired by everything we see, so whatever it is you decide to take on, from jewelry to baby bibs, be sure put your own brand to it. People will love what you make because you are the brand and you make it. They will want to purchase your product if you stay true to yourself and be original!
You can view more of Jaime's colorful, happy work in her shop Connect with her and on and .
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